Fixing Incorrect JMP+1 or Call+1 in IDA

## A simple Script that fixes in correct JMPs or Calls in IDA from 
## text:00402832                 cmp     eax, 1
## text:00402835                 jnz     short loc_402839
## text:00402837                 jmp     short near ptr loc_402839+1  ; <- bad 
## text:00402839 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## text:00402839
## text:00402839 loc_402839:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_402810+25 j
## text:00402839                                         ; sub_402810+27 j
## text:00402839                 psubsb  mm4, qword ptr [ecx-0Ch]
## text:00402839 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## text:0040283D                 db 0FFh
## text:0040283E                 db 0FFh
## to 
## text:00402832                 cmp     eax, 1
## text:00402835                 jnz     short near ptr unk_402839
## text:00402837                 jmp     short loc_40283A     ; <- good 
## text:00402837 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## text:00402839 unk_402839      db  0Fh                 ; CODE XREF: sub_402810+25 j
## text:0040283A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## text:0040283A
## text:0040283A loc_40283A:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_402810+27 j
## text:0040283A                 call    sub_401CA0
## text:0040283F                 popa
## created by <alexander><dot><hanel><at><gmail<dot><com>

def fixTheJmpCalls():
    # kind of slow to loop through all the functions and instructions but it works 
    # flaw: only defined functions will be traversed. I'm workong on solving this. 
    for funcea in Functions( SegStart( here() ), SegEnd( here() ) ):
        for eai in FuncItems(funcea):
            if GetMnem(eai) == "jmp" or GetMnem(eai) == "call":
                if GetDisasm(eai)[-2:-1] == "+" and GetDisasm(eai)[-1:].isdigit():
                    print "Broken Instruction: %X"%eai, GetDisasm(eai)
                    code_addr = GetOperandValue(eai, 0) 
                    fix_addr = code_addr -1 


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